
Black History Month Highlight – Jurii Edwards

Jurii Edwards   How has your heritage, events, or people in your life shaped who you are today? I grew up in Oakland, California where my mom raised me and my two other siblings by herself. I was a middle child and I had the responsibility to care for everyone. I took care of the Black History Month Highlight – Jurii Edwards

Black History Month Highlight – Azubike Uzoh

Azubike “Azu” Uzoh   How has your heritage, events, or people in your life shaped who you are today? Being born a Nigerian-Black American has given me a connection to my roots and has given me a sense of pride. My parents have taught the power of education and family. I understand that there’s strength Black History Month Highlight – Azubike Uzoh

Black History Month Highlight – Jordan Fuller

Jordan Fuller   How has your heritage, events, or people in your life shaped who you are today? Everyone has events or areas of their lives that have a place of concern. From a very early age, I knew I was a Black child, and I had a different set of rules to follow. Those Black History Month Highlight – Jordan Fuller

Black History Month Highlight – Tyonne Dawson

Tyonne Dawson   How has your heritage, events, or people in your life shaped who you are today? I’m from Stockton and I come from a long line of hard-working family members. My great grandfather was a master electrician. He used to teach me things. My grandmother has a small house cleaning business till date, Black History Month Highlight – Tyonne Dawson

Black History Month Highlight – Randyll Hughes

Randyll Hughes   How has your heritage, events, or people in your life shaped who you are today? I would say my mother, stepfather, and uncle are people who shaped me into the person I am today. My uncle was in law enforcement and was my main role model until my stepfather came into the Black History Month Highlight – Randyll Hughes

Black History Month Highlight – Deajion Linton

Deajion Linton   How has your heritage, events, or people in your life shaped who you are today? My grandfather has had the most significant influence on shaping who I am today. His wisdom and guidance have been invaluable, teaching me countless lessons. I am grateful for everything that I have experienced in life. His Black History Month Highlight – Deajion Linton

Black History Month Highlight – Waymond Favors

Waymond Favors   How has your heritage, events, or people in your life shaped who you are today? I was born on a military base in San Diego, CA. I then relocated to D.C. and Virginia Beach. I give credit to my father for who I am today. He molded and guided me to where Black History Month Highlight – Waymond Favors

Hispanic Heritage Month Highlight – Juana Silva

Juana Silva   How has your heritage, events, or people in your life shaped who you are today? My heritage has shaped who I am today. I was born and raised in Mexico. Once I arrived in the U.S. nineteen years ago, I noticed that many Hispanics arrived from different countries. As a Latina, regardless Hispanic Heritage Month Highlight – Juana Silva

Hispanic Heritage Month Highlight – Cristhian Area

  Cristhian Area – Lead   How has your heritage, events, or people in your life shaped who you are today? I left Venezuela with my sister and father and arrived in Miami Florida. We came early to get things settled so that my younger sibling and my mother could join us. I didn’t speak Hispanic Heritage Month Highlight – Cristhian Area

Hispanic Heritage Month Highlight – Alejandro Lopez

  Alejandro Lopez – Detailer   How has your heritage, events, or people in your life shaped who you are today? I was born in Mexico and both of my parents would go back and forth into California every day for work. When we finally moved to California, I was 6 and my parents continued Hispanic Heritage Month Highlight – Alejandro Lopez